Despite what was once believed, MCS is a scalable and realistic option for XenDesktop VDI deployments. This document will show you how to deploy a XenDesktop 7.5 virtual machine using VMware and Citrix Machine Creation Services (MCS). This documentation also assumes that the published desktop will be a non-persistent desktop.


  • First, create what you would consider to be your Gold Image in VMWare. This is the image that your XenDesktop users will use.
  • Install the VDA Agent and the version of Citrix Receiver that your organization prefers into this image as well.
  • Shutdown the Machine
  • Use VMware to take a snapshot of the machine by right clicking on the Virtual Machine in the VMWare console. Then choose Snapshot and then click Take Snapshot


  • Verify the snapshot is there by right-clicking on the Virtual Machine, Choosing Snapshot Manager and click Take Snapshot.
  • Then Right-click on the Virtual Machine, Choose Snapshot Manager and verify that you see your snap


  • Go to your Delivery Controller and open Citrix Studio
  • Right-click on Machine Catalogs and then click Create Machine Catalog


  • Click Next


  • Choose Windows Desktop OS and click Next


  • Choose Citrix Machine Creation Services (MCS) and click Next


  • Choose “I want users to connect to a new (random) desktop each time they log on” and click Next

Note: We are choosing this because this machine will be a non-persistent desktop.


  • Choose the snap made in VMWare and click Next


  • Choose your NIC and Network, click Next


  • Choose the appropriate resource settings for your virtual desktop. Depending on your requirements this will be one or two vCPU’s, minimum of 4GB of RAM, 40GB+ hard disk space and click Next.

Note: The settings noted above are a good starting point, but will vary depending on the Operating System you are running and the applications that will be installed or published to this machine.


  • Fill in as shown below. This will create the machine accounts in the Active Directory OU of your choice. Once complete, click Next


  • Fill in a Machine Catalog name and click Finish


  • This will take some time, but the following prompt will appear while it is creating the catalog


  • Once complete, there will be a machine catalog for these workstations


Watch for Part 2 which will cover how to create a delivery group to finish deploying an image to your user.


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