In the older versions on Citrix such as XenApp 4.5 it was possible to open the XenApp Advanced Configuration and within Printer Management you could allow Citrix to install printer drivers on your Citrix servers. This was especially useful when bringing a new Citrix server into the environment. In XenApp 6.0 we no longer use the XenApp Advanced Configuration, so there is a way to replicate your printer drivers is through Powershell. Also, in order for this to work you must have the Citrix XenApp Server SDK installed on your Citrix Servers.
Here are the steps:
- Logon to a Citrix server that has the printer drivers you want replicated to another server
- Open Windows Powershell with Citrix Xenapp Server SDX (X86)
- Type set-executionpolicy remotesigned enter, choose Y
- Type Start-XAPrinterDriverReplication -DriverName “HP Universal Printing PS (v5.4)” -SourceServerName FillInSourceServer -TargetServerName FillInTargetServer
Monitor installation progress through the server application log. This is a secondary process on the server so it may take up to 15 minutes for this to work.
Note: It is possible to push drivers to multiple target servers. Separate target servers with a comma and a space (ex. XEN1, XEN2)
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