Dell Technologies PowerUp Offerings

Dell Technologies PowerUp Offerings

I was fortunate enough to be a delegate in the Tech Field Day Extra “PowerUp” event, where the Dell Technologies Storage and Data Protection teams shared their rebranded  products from their portfolios. The products all have the “Power” name in them so now they match...
Microsoft Build 2020

Microsoft Build 2020

Microsoft Build was held in May 2020 as a 2-day online event. They announced a lot of stuff, and I’ll share the things that really grabbed my attention this blog post. If you want the entire list of announcements, you should really consult the Microsoft Build...
Finding the Edge in the Hype Cycle

Finding the Edge in the Hype Cycle

Edge computing, after digital transformation, the latest marketing craze, but where is the edge?  Is it any different than a remote datacenter? Is this marketing hype, or does it deserve our attention? This goal of this post is to answer those questions and give you a...
Give Thanks for Your Lessons

Give Thanks for Your Lessons

Give thanks for your lessons – you may have heard that phrase before. The fall is the time of year (at least in North America) when most cultures pause and give thanks for the things they have before the dark winter months close in on us. It is easy to be thankful for...