by Theresa Miller | Dec 17, 2019 | Career, Job Burnout, Strategy, Theresa Miller
Reflecting on the past year one of the most interesting topics I have had the opportunity to discuss with many is the topic of IT Burnout. Some people have not ever had burnout, many are deep into their burnout phase, others feel slightly burned out and some have...
by Gina Rosenthal | Nov 26, 2019 | Gina Rosenthal, Strategy
Give thanks for your lessons – you may have heard that phrase before. The fall is the time of year (at least in North America) when most cultures pause and give thanks for the things they have before the dark winter months close in on us. It is easy to be thankful for...
by Theresa Miller | Nov 20, 2019 | Business, Career, Strategy, Theresa Miller
Several years ago, I started a journey to create my own Limited Liability Company (LLC) which led me down a path of trying to piece together everything needed to create a foundation for my company. Of course, this took time, in fact it took almost a year! So, to save...
by Gina Rosenthal | Oct 29, 2019 | ControlUp, Gina Rosenthal, Strategy
In previous posts, we have discussed what a container is. But how do developers turn containers into a containerized application? Let’s discuss more today around containerized application design. Setting Expectations If you’re a developer or an SRE, the contents...
by Theresa Miller | Aug 20, 2019 | Adam Fowler, Microsoft 365, Strategy
Continuing on from Part 1, here’s the second half of extras contained in a Microsoft 365 E5 license, compared to what you get with the much more common Microsoft 365 E5. Here we will take a look at whether or you should be considering when comparing Microsoft...
by Gina Rosenthal | Jul 30, 2019 | Gina Rosenthal, Strategy
You must evaluate information sources, it is one of the foundations of digital literacy. How can we be sure the information we read in a tweet or blog post (or hear on a podcast or see in a video) is reliable? Continually re-evaluating information sources is an...