by Gina Rosenthal | Jul 12, 2022 | Exchange, Melissa Palmer, Ransomware, Security
When I think of Maui, I think of one of my favorite vacation spots in the whole world. Unfortunately, if you’ve been following ransomware in the news, Maui now has a much more sinister meaning. Let’s take a closer look at Maui ransomware, and what makes...
by Gina Rosenthal | Apr 27, 2022 | Exchange
We hear a lot about new tech like AI and machine learning and implementing a devops process on the multi-cloud. But we don’t hear much about the hardware innovations that is making it all happen. I was fortunate enough to hear from Intel and their customers during the...
by Theresa Miller | Apr 1, 2021 | Exchange Online, Microsoft 365, Theresa Miller
When dealing with Microsoft 365 Email configuration you will find that Microsoft requires that your organization setup an SPF (Sender Policy Framework) record to go along with your Exchange Online tenant. This is a DNS text record that allows Microsoft 365 Email...
by Gina Rosenthal | Jan 28, 2020 | Exchange
Kubernetes is one of the most talked about technologies, but which part of the Kubernetes landscape should you be focusing on? How do you navigate all of the information being broadcast on this topic? This blog post attempts to focus on these questions, with a twist....
by Theresa Miller | Oct 17, 2019 | Adam Fowler, Exchange, Exchange Online, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Technology
The cloud - also known as ‘somebody else’s computer’ - provides a lot of benefits that we’re all aware of these days. However, it IS somebody else’s computer, located somewhere else. Moving around large amounts of data from...
by Gina Rosenthal | Aug 13, 2019 | Exchange, Melissa Palmer, Virtualization, VMWare
VMworld 2019 will be here before you know it! Here are some of the things you need to know to make the most of your experience, if you will be there in person or joining in the fun online. VMworld will take place on August 25 - August 29 in 2019. The VMworld...