Recently the new CTP picks were announced, and I am honored to share that I have been selected to be recognized as a Citrix CTP for the 3rd year in a row. It truly means a lot to me to be recognized for my Citrix community contributions over the years. It’s a great community and I am proud to be part of this very talented team. Even more exciting, and the best part of the new year is that we always get to welcome Citrix CTP members that a new!

Citrix CTP


This year there are 8 new CTPs to welcome!

1. Danny van Dam

2. David Brett

3. Eduardo Molina

4. Marius Sandbu

5. Nicolas Ignoto

6. Ryan Revord

7. Samuel Legrand

8. Simon Gottschlag

Welcome Citrix CTP Newbies! Congratulations to all of you!

Being a Citrix CTP for me personally has been a great a achievement. Sharing feedback with product groups, getting my hands in the new technology,and being part of a small family of super smart people means a lot to me. I also get excited to share what I have learned with others and Citrix technology is one of those passions. If it’s something interesting to you, it takes hard work and dedication, but it is worth it.

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